Using nature’s harvest and a bit of imagination to liven up the landscape
Story and Photos by Susan Jasan
Fall is a delightful time of year with cooler temperatures, fall color, and a bountiful harvest from your summer garden. It’s a delightful time for youth and adults alike as Halloween brings alive a host of imaginary creatures.

Your garden or home landscape is a perfect setting for any creature your imagination can conjure up. Create a burlap pooch or turn a leaf rake into a garden doll. A pumpkin tower is great fun and can be any size. Imagine a pumpkin house, whether full size or in miniature, sure to attract the attention and interest of visitors and passersby.

Plan a get-together of friends and family. Have them bring pumpkins, garden items, old clothing, garden tools, and an assortment of household items or decorations from any season. Put all of the various items together and have a scarecrow-making contest. I’ll bet the kids will come up with the most creative creatures of all!

On another note, consider adding some “naturally formed insects” to your repertoire. Artist David Rogers has been creating fascinating “Big Bugs” since 1994. Each one is crafted from natural materials with lessons about the insects. His goal is to help the public learn and appreciate the value and role of insects in our environment.

Consider making your own insects, on a smaller scale, to mimic Rogers’ work. There would be lessons in materials, structure, and nature all wrapped up in one.