Story by David Longron
Angelonia is sometimes called summer snapdragon for its resemblance to snapdragons, as well as for its tolerance of Southern heat. It is a tender perennial, but used as an annual in temperate climates. A prolific bloomer, with proper care angelonia will bloom from May until first frost.

The Serena series is slightly more compact than other varieties and very tolerant of heat and humidity, the great plagues of summer gardening in Arkansas. The series is available with white, lavender, purple, or pink blooms. It works well in mass planting or mixed containers as a centerpiece. It is available in seed form or plants. A great alternative if you are tired for Lantana.
Quick Facts and Keys to Success
Common Name: Angelonia or summer snapdragon, Serena series
Botanical Name: Angelonia angustifolia
Blooms: May until first frost
USDA Hardiness Zone(s): 9-11; annual in Arkansas
Color(s): White, lavender, purple, pink
Type: Tender perennial
Size: 12-14 inches tall 10-12 inches wide
Exposure: Full sun
Planting Time: After all danger of frost
Care: Prefers loose, well-drained soil. Little to no pruning required. Water as needed. Few insect or disease issues but watch for aphids.
Uses: Mass bed plantings, mixed planters, accent or background plant.